Saturday, July 30, 2011


Welcome to the CC community and Essentials!  As the tutor for Essentials 1, I am excited to see how our year unfolds.  Embarking upon this adventure together with the Essentials of the English Language as our map, I am thrilled to partner with parents in an endeavor to inspire our children to develop a love for grammar and writing. 

My husband Jonathan and I have been married for 17 years and have five children… Hannah (14), Dwight (12), Abigail (10), Rachel (7), and Sarah (2).  Shortly after marrying, Jonathan and I moved to China and worked with a mission organization, living in Shanghai and Kunming for the next ten years.  My homeschooling origins have their roots in China.  My children have been homeschooled from the start using the classical approach to education.  Although not with CC during all those years, I am excited about this material and will do my best to relay the information in the same manner I would prepare for my own family.  And here is my disclaimer: I am a registered nurse by training. ;) As a nurse, I have worn many hats and education is simply one of them.  But as parents, we are all educators. 

Thank you for the opportunity to pour into your child’s life.  I consider this a privilege.  I look forward to becoming more acquainted throughout the year.  Let this “Essentials” adventure begin.  J

Jenelle Logan

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